Ah, C++…

(edit: Of course it wasn’t until after writing this that I discovered variadic macros, available in C++11…)

While working on some old code, there were a bunch of rather cumbersome printf-style tracing macros where you had to make sure the name of the macro matched the number of parameters you wanted to use. E.g., use TRACE1(“foo: %s”, s) for one format parameter, use TRACE2(“foo: %s %d”, s, x) for two parameters, etc. It was always annoying having to make sure you picked the right name, corrected it whenever the parameters changed, and so on.

I can understand why someone created these macros in the first place. They exist as a shorthand for another variadic tracing function with a much longer name, to keep tracing calls short and snappy, or to redirect them to nothing if you want tracing disabled, but that presents a few challenges. An inline function would preserve the preprocessor-controlled redirection, but you can’t simply have a function with a shorter name call the other function because variadic functions can’t pass on their arguments to another variadic function. You could just create a #define to map the short name to the longer name, like “#define TRACE GlobalTraceObj::CustomTraceFunc”, but that risks causing side effects in other places that use ‘TRACE’ as a token, and doesn’t let you eliminate the call if desired. A parameterized macro avoids that problem, but only works for a specific number of parameters, and hence you wind up needing a different macro for each possible number of arguments.

I figured there had to be a better way and hey, now that I have newer compilers available, why not try C++11 variadic templates? They do let you pass variadic arguments on to another variadic function, which is exactly what’s needed, and it can still be conditional on whether tracing is enabled or not!

template<typename... Args>
inline void TRACE(const char *format, Args... args)
#ifndef NOTRACE
    GlobalTraceObj::CustomTraceFunc(format, args...);

And it worked perfectly, now I could just use TRACE(…) regardless of the number of parameters.

Except, I got greedy… Another nice thing is to have the compiler do consistency checks on the printf-style formatting string and its arguments, which you can do with compilers like GCC with a function attribute like on the main tracing function:

static void CustomTraceFunc(const char *format, ...)
#ifdef __GNUC__
    __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)))

I wanted that same checking on the TRACE wrapper function, but it turns out that at least at the moment, you can’t apply that same function attribute against a variadic template function; GCC just doesn’t recognize the template arguments as the right kind of variadic parameters that this attribute works on. Oh well.

I really wanted that consistency checking though, so in the end I abandoned the variadic template approach and just wrote TRACE as a plain old variadic function, which meant having to modify the other tracing functions to use va_lists instead, but that wasn’t too big a deal. If I didn’t also have control over those other functions, I would have been stuck again.

#ifdef __GNUC__
    __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)))
inline void TRACE(const char *format, ...) {
#ifndef NOTRACE
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, format);
    GlobalTraceObj::CustomTraceFuncV(format, args);

static void GlobalTraceObj::CustomTraceFuncV(const char *format, va_list args)

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