I Should Have Gotten More Souvenirs

It was back to Hellgate: London yet again last night, and after a bit more grinding in some of the previous zones, I managed to scrape together the final essences I needed to get to the last two generals in Stonehenge. The third one was a really annoying fight — it was one of the new flying creatures that’s fairly tough to keep firing at since it likes to dip, swerve, and fly away quickly a lot, and it had a ton of health. The fourth one looked like it might be annoying at first, since it could summon bruisers that can do a lot of damage, but it went down fairly quickly.

So, having beaten all four, it was off to fight Moloch himself. The first zone on the way to him wasn’t very notable, but the second was a bit different in that it had a huge number of stairways upwards, and criss-crossed over the same large open room several times as you went higher and higher. The odd part was that the portal I needed to go through was near the bottom though, and I didn’t need to go up all those stairs after all (but I did anyway out of curiosity). Yay for randomly generated maps.

And then it was time to face Moloch himself. It again looked like there might be trouble as he could summon a large number of gargoyle-type creatures, and his health wasn’t going down very quickly at first, but after retreating and regrouping after the first wave of summons, I noticed that his health had gone down a big chunk. Something was damaging him pretty well (the molotov bomb bots, perhaps), so I just kept going and it didn’t take too long to beat him.

The reward for all of this? A pile of loot, of course, though most of it wasn’t all that useful. The one piece I did keep was a unique helm of a type that must be new to Stonehenge. I was a bit wary of giving up my old helm, which added quite a bit of elemental protection, but this new one adds a lot of damage and accuracy bonuses.

And that’s it for Stonehenge for me, since I doubt I’ll have a chance to do the grouping part easily. The Moloch quest can actually be redone, but I don’t think I’ll bother until I naturally collect enough essences rather than grinding for them. If they can keep the new content coming like this every few months, then the subscription plan might not be so bad after all.

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