I Own (Most Of) This Town

I started on Vercetti’s missions in Vice City, and the first one unlocked the ability to buy companies around the city. They’ll earn money for me, and have some extra missions and rewards associated with them. I did the car collection one, which lets me pick up four unique car types at the showroom. I also tried the boat race at the boatyard, but gave up after a few tries. The boat handling is just frustrating in a race scenario like that.

I completed a couple more of Vercetti’s missions, and in one amusing incident, I had just finished a mission and was standing around answering a cell phone call afterwards. Someone then casually just strolled up, got into the bulletproof Admiral I had been using, and started driving away. Since I was still on the cell phone, I couldn’t jack it back or even run, so I had to walk after him as he drove away. Fortunately he didn’t drive very quickly and was slowed down by several corners, so he was still in sight as the lengthy cell phone call ended and I could finally run up and get the car back. I did not want to lose that one in particular.

I think I’m actually fairly close to the end of the main storyline, though there are still plenty of those side missions left to do. Things are looking a little strained between me and Lance, though…

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