Bounty Hunter Not Included

I hit level 50 in WoW last night, after gaining three in a single day. I’m still nowhere near caught up to where my priest is, but it’s at least closer to being able to go to the BC areas.

I don’t really have much else to say though, since it’s largely the same old areas and quests that I’ve done before. I’ve found and done a handful of new quests, either ones I missed before or couldn’t complete with my priest, but nothing particularly special. There are so many quests that it’s not really worth detailing them all.

The main difference this time around is in how I play, since the warrior is of course fairly different from the priest. He can’t really pull singles out of groups, but he’s tough enough that he can tank two to four (depending on level) enemies at a time. He doesn’t have movement-restricting abilities or ultra-high damage finishers to deal with runners, but a well-time Concussive Blow can prevent them from getting too far. Unlike the priest, who had to just let enemy casters do their thing, the warrior can interrupt their spells, so I have to keep an eye on what they’re casting. When taking on singles, I can often just charge right into the next battle with no downtime, whereas the priest was often waiting just to recover health and mana after each fight. And of course, I have to worry a lot more about equipment, since all of my damage and defense comes from it.

I also finally got my mount yesterday, and it’ll be well worth it, though it took every last gold piece I had. It’s too bad Tauren can only ride kodos this early, though; one of the goals I had for my priest was to get enough faction in Orgrimmar to ride a wolf instead of the usual undead horse.

Although QuestHelper was nice, I switched over to Carbonite and I think I’ll stick with it. QH’s problem was that it got too confused by things like tradeskill quests, constantly telling me that the first thing I should do is leave the zone and go to some merchant, even though it wouldn’t really help with the quest, and messed up the pathing of the others. Carbonite seems to be much saner about things like that, and has a few other nifty features as well, like making it clearer which areas in a zone you still haven’t mapped yet. It replaces the world map though, which is sometimes nicer for things like seeing Carbonite’s info, but sometimes I want to old world map back.

And now that I’ve hit level 50, I think I’m going to take it a bit easier, and take some time to work on some lower level quests (for faction and achievements, if nothing else), map exploration, blacksmithing, etc.

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