Unlucky Shot

To mix things up a bit, I worked on doing the tasks for a different island in the Buried Sea in EQ today, focusing on the siren island. Most of them were fairly easy except for the Siren Hair one, which needed a fairly rare drop. Plus, fighting the sirens is annoying since they have a huge aggro radius, the terrain on their island causes weird pathing, and they’re highly resistant, so I had to go charm a pet from a different island. In the end I got all three fingerbone pieces from the island’s quests though.

These quests are kind of annoying in how you have to do them, though. The fingerbone rewards aren’t unlocked until you do a couple other quests on each island, and the available rewards are set at the time you take the quest, so you can’t simply pick up all of the quests for an island and then go do them all. You have to take one, go do it, turn it in, pick up the next one, go do it, etc., which gets annoying when you have to zone back and forth with the Barren Coast, or you pick up pieces for other quests that go to waste because they’re not counted because you couldn’t start that one yet.

I then spent most of the rest of the day xping in the usual spot, though I did die for the first time at that camp. I had charmed Lutzan, the named goblin, and on one charm break he ran up and hit me while I was sitting, and I hit the button to stand up at just the wrong moment, making me sit back down again, and he hit me sitting down again. Getting hit when you’re sitting down always does max damage…

Oh well, I’m 85% of the way towards level 78 now, and should easily get it fairly quickly tomorrow. That’ll be a nice level since I’ll have another rank of the charm strengthening skill and will still be able to charm nearly anything blue to me.

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