Not The Bow-Wielding Kind

I finally got around to a quest in Fallout 3 that I should have done a lot earlier: Reilly’s Rangers. I’d passed by their area before, but it turns out that the initial trigger is actually in Underworld, and I hadn’t been there before.

It was a much slower quest than I expected, with a lot of slogging through buildings since I couldn’t just fast-travel to the destination. It was further complicated by there being quite a few Super Mutant Overlords along the way. Even at level 24, with maxed out skills and some of the best weapons, they take a lot of hits to kill and I have to blow a handful of stimpacks just to survive the fight.

I eventually pushed through to the end, though, and got the ranger armour reward. It’s a pretty good suit — a bit less DR than the winterized power armour I was wearing before, but better stat bonuses.

I also picked up Charon from in Underworld along the way, but I’ve been preferring to explore on my own lately (Dogmeat and Fawkes are waiting at their home spots), so I plunked some armour on him and parked him outside my home in Megaton.

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