Blacksmithing Is Expensive

Some network trouble prevented me from getting into WoW until later on tonight, but I managed to squeeze in the usual round of daily quests, and a bit of blacksmithing. I finally got up to 440 skill, with a mix of self-collected and bought saronite, and that let me buy up all the rest of the blacksmithing recipes at the trainer.

Most notably, that lets me start making Titansteel items. Or it would except for one thing: the lack of titanium ore. It’s a very rare spawn that I’ve only found maybe 10 of myself, and at the AH it’s going for 14-15 gold per ore. With 6 bars of titansteel needed for a weapon, that’s 18 bars of titanium, or 36 pieces of titanium ore, at a total of 522 gold. And that’s not counting the also-rare Eternal Fire needed. I at least have enough to make the shield tomorrow, when the cooldown on making another bar of titansteel expires.

But at least it’s still cheaper than directly buying the weapon at the AH; the last titansteel mace I saw was over 1000 gold. I do actually have enough money to just buy them outright, but I’m trying to make them myself partly just for the pride of doing so, and to help save up for an epic mount.

I did a handful of the starting Storm Peaks quests, but haven’t really gotten any nice upgrades yet. There was a rather nifty daily quest involving planting land mines to stop enemies rushing towards you, though.

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