Yeah, I Know…

I haven’t really been playing that many different games lately, just mainly fiddling with different Minecraft mods now and then, but I’m trying to get back to finishing more stuff.  To summarize the last few months:

Mass Effect 3: Finished it long ago, but now that all of the DLC is out, I’m starting to work my way through that.  I just did Leviathan, which is only a few hours long, but adds some interesting backstory to the universe.  Not bad.

Forza Horizon: I did wind up picking it up and completed pretty much every single race in it.  It’s not quite as open as say, TDU, but it’s still a much more open, looser racing experience than the main Forza games, which can be a bit stuffy and ‘sterile’.  Well worth it.

LOTRO: I kinda lost interest towards the end of Moria, where it was just endless wandering of twisty corridors and revisiting spots over and over again.  When the anniversary event came around this year, I managed to push through and finish most of those areas, so I can finally move on to the post-Moria content.

World of Warcraft: I caved in and bought Pandaria, but haven’t really done much with it yet.  I created a Pandaren monk and got her to level 16, but the urge to continue on isn’t all that great.

The Simpsons: Tapped Out: Yeah, it’s one of those silly social games, but as a minor Simpsons fan I figured I should at least check it out.  It’s kinda fun designing your own little version of Springfield, ‘quests’ keep you interested in what might be uncovered next, and the atmosphere’s pretty much what you expect, but it’s also a pretty blatant cash grab.  Oodles of premium-only buildings, and the cost of the premium currency seems absurd, like you’d have to spend hundreds of dollars to get it all.  It also doesn’t help that I continually get disconnected from the server, and reconnecting often hangs forever, and I need to force quit the app and relaunch it.

Coming up, in the short term, I’m hoping to finally get some time into Dragon’s Dogma and Borderlands 2, at least.

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