Non-Stop Upgrades

If the site is acting slightly quirky, I’ve recently upgraded to WordPress 1.5 and some kinks probably still need to be worked out. It should be worth it though, since it adds a fair bit:

1) Bulk moderation of comments, including a separate spam category. It was a pain going through and marking them one-by-one, when they accumulate hundreds at a time…

2) There’s now a limit to the number of articles per page, and entries beyond that are kept on separate pages. This is important as time goes on, as some of the categories were getting pretty big and selecting them displayed every single entry in them all at once.

3) Pages other than the main page can be managed from within WP now, too. That’ll help get a consistent look for things like the links page, which still has the old MT style.

4) A better theme system, that’s split up so it’s easier to edit and should be more future-proof.

And various other minor improvements in the admin panels and comment authentication…

4 thoughts on “Non-Stop Upgrades”

  1. Heh. Apparently, I can’t upgrade B2Evo without wiping all the data out. Kinda defeats the purpose of upgrading as opposed to fresh installation, doesn’t it…

    Oh, and could your upgrade have anything to do with why my RSS readers all say “XML parse error” for your page & recent comments?

  2. Probably. I get errors if I try and view the XML directly in the browser, too. Whether it’s a problem with the generation or with the parsers being too pick, I’m not sure.

    And I’d be surprised if there wasn’t *some* way to upgrade b2, since it’s closely related to WP. Are you sure you’re not just reading the ‘new install’ directions and the upgrade instructions might be elsewhere?

  3. Whoops, the RSS problem turned out to be my own fault. I upgraded a plugin by copying-and-pasting the code into a file, but accidentally added a couple linefeeds that screwed up the XML formatting.

    It should work now.

  4. Yes, I’m absolutely sure. I was gonna post the page link to the upgrade instructions, but the B2Evo homepage has been down for over a day now.

    And yes, your RSS is playing all nice-nice again. :-)

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