Once More Unto The Beach

Okay, it’s not the first time I’ve said this, but I need to get serious about my weight and so I’ve kicked off the status updates in the sidebar again.

It’s not just so that the ladies will swoon over my magnificent abs, but I really need to start being more concerned about my general health. I’ve been feeling terrible lately, it’s only going to get worse if I don’t do anything about it, and I remember how great I felt when I was actually close to a normal weight.

The plan is pretty much the same as before: a reasonable calorie budget (around 1600-1800 per day for now), and more exercise. That means giving up things that had become bad habits like the morning brownie/rice krispie treat, mid-day snacks from the office vending machine, and stopping by the store every day and picking up more food for dinner than I really need. If I have a light breakfast bar in the morning and some simple soup or stew for dinner, that still leaves me enough calories for a decent lunch, so I don’t have to give up all my old habits.

Exercise for now will be limited to walking to work when I can. I hope to eventually get back to small workouts and walks around the neighbourhood again, but that’ll have to wait until…other problems have been fixed.

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