Wait, It’s 2011 Already?

The stagnation of my sites kind of reflects the same kind of stagnation in my life; not an awful lot of interest has happened recently, really. There’s nothing terribly wrong in my life, but there’s not enough that’s right. I need to make a to-do list and focus, so in no particular order:

  • Lose Weight
    Yeah, it’s not the first time I’ve said it, and might not be the last, but failing at it doesn’t make the need go away. It’s worse than ever, and it’s undoubtedly tied to a lot of other health and esteem issues.
  • Clean Up The Apartment
    It’s a mess, and I really need to sort through all of my stuff and decide what I really need to keep and what I can throw away. Seriously, I haven’t seen the top of my dining table in months. I have an ISA serial port card in one of these boxes. It’s been over 20 years since I’ve seen a computer that would actually be useful in.
  • Get Presentable
    I need new glasses, clothes that are at least semi-fashionable, to keep up with haircuts more often… It’s not really a matter of giving up and conforming; my current ‘style’ is more the result of sloth and apathy than anything else. It doesn’t really make me feel any particular way, and I’m not gaining anything from it, but it does sometimes feel like people don’t take me as seriously as I’d like. Gotta get that weight down first though…
  • Get A Car
    Man, I don’t even have a driver’s license. It’s never really felt like I’ve had to get one, but as time goes on it does feel like the lack of one is limiting my options more and more, whether it be in determining where I can live, just getting out to see people, traveling without having to tolerate the alternatives, etc.
  • Develop A New Hobby
    Yeah, I’ve always loved computers and video games, but…I admittedly probably spend a bit too much time on them. It’s kind of depressing when I look at another person and wonder what I might have in common with them and the answer winds up being “well, maybe they have a level 75 paladin…” I’ve always kind of wanted to be able to draw at a level slightly beyond stick figures at least, so I need to crack open that art instruction book a friend got me and put some more time into it.
  • Make More Friends
    Not that there’s anything wrong with you guys, of course (assuming anyone other than Google’s bots actually reads this), but without more local friends there’s just too many nights left alone, no reason to get out of the house, no face-to-face meetings to develop relationships further…
  • Focus On Work More
    It feels like I’ve been slacking off a bit too much at the office. Not taking enough initiative, not keeping up with the current trends and techniques, not coding as robustly as I should… I don’t know if a new job is really the answer as the current one is still pretty good, so…I don’t know yet.

I’m 37 years old. I should have had this crap sorted out ages ago.

One thought on “Wait, It’s 2011 Already?”

  1. Don’t be too hard on yourself, Cam. *hugs* Busting this stuff out is the first step. Lots of ppl never even get this far. Doesn’t have to be done in a day, either. Baby steps. :)

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