
I ended the night with a couple more hours in Guitar Hero 2 and completed two more tiers on Medium, putting me exactly halfway through the campaign by the song counts. The difficulty seems to be increasing a bit, but fairly slowly. I’m still only three or four-starring most songs though, which is a bit discouraging when you hear people talk about how they just bought their first GH game but they were five-starring everything right off the bat so they just skipped straight to Expert… :P

Chord transitions are still throwing me off when they involve the blue fret, and I also have trouble when quickly jumping from green down to blue; my pinky seems to lose its place and I wind up hitting yellow instead. Red/blue chords are also a bit of a problem, as I have a bit of trouble quickly transitioning to them without also subconsciously moving my ring finger too and hitting yellow. One tip I’ve seen is that I should actually rest my index finger on the red fret instead and shift up to hit green, to avoid using the much weaker pinky finger. And it’ll probably help get used to shifting, which I’ll have to do eventually when the orange fret gets introduced anyway.

I also fiddled around with the bonus songs for a bit, and went back and made another attempt at “Push Push (Lady Lightning)” and beat it this time. I failed in the way-too-chaotic-for-me intro the first time around, but fortunately the rest of the song isn’t quite that hard once you get past it. On a lark, I also tried “X-Stream” in Hard mode and was amazed to actually beat it. I must have come close to failing a good half-dozen times though, saved only by a large number of repeated chord and note sections that were a bit easier. I found myself deliberately skipping some notes just to keep in position for the next chord section.

I also tried Jordan on Expert just for yucks, and made it to…4%.

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