Grab Bag Of Disappointment

I played Sacred a bit more tonight, but at one point I was escorting some Prince to another place to drum up support for an upcoming war, and he died along the way. He was a pretty good fighter, but we just got completely overwhelmed at one spot. Unfortunately, I’d forgotten to save recently… The game auto-saves, so I went back to see where the last one was, but it was over an hour before that point, so there are a lot of side quests I’d have to redo.

Ugh. It’s really my own fault, but it has sapped a lot of my enthusiasm for tonight. It’s a decent game, but not *that* good, so I’m tempted to say I’ve seen enough of it to get the ‘feel’ of it and just shelve it again and wait for Sacred 2.

Next up, I got around to checking out the Nine Inch Nails songs released for Rock Band yesterday (March Of The Pigs, The Collector, and The Perfect Drug). They’re good songs, but…they’re not really guitar songs. The guitar bits in March of the Pigs are very short, and in the other two you wind up playing other instruments as well (a piano in The Collector and a mandolin in The Perfect Drug) just to give the guitar player something to do.

I played the bass lines in them as well, and March of the Pigs and The Collector are much more interesting that way, but there’s a huge stretch of absolutely no bass activity in The Perfect Drug. Again, they’re not bad songs, but as far as Rock Band goes they’re really biased towards the drums, which are supposed to be quite complex and challenging on all of them.

And I capped off the night with a bit more time in N+, where I redid a couple earlier episodes just to beat a friend’s score on them (tee hee), and did a couple new episodes. I’m up to Episode 29 now, but I haven’t finished Episode 24 yet, as 24-4 drove me nuts for a while and I eventually gave up on it. The difficulty is definitely rising rapidly now, and I’m often retrying dozens of times per level and swearing constantly at the screen. Of course, that’s exactly what its sadistic designers intended, and user-made levels are notorious for often being near-impossible…

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