Bad Moon Rising

The forest fires burning nearby in southern Alberta and near Banff have given our sky a bit of a tint lately, as you can see in the view of the moon tonight.

4 thoughts on “Bad Moon Rising”

  1. That was just the best out of a dozen or so attempts. I was hoping to get some nearby wall or something to highlight the colour difference, but any mode that made the wall show up made the moon too bright, and any mode where the moon showed up properly made the wall disappear. About the best I can do with a ‘consumer’-level camera…

  2. Oh and now there’s this haze of smoke covering the area like a light fog, and there’s an orangeish glow on the buildings during the daytime, too. Didn’t bring my camera to work today though.

    I could smell the smoke on the air when I went outside for lunch, and now I can sense a hint of it coming from the office air conditioning system…

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