Halibut Barn

SpamAssassin is doing a fairly good job of keeping my inbox free of spam and most viruses. There’s always the chance of a false positive though, so I still have it keep all the spam it catches in a separate folder and quickly skim over it every once in a while. Most of it is the familiar old Viagra, mortgage, and MAKE MONEY FAST spam, but every once in a while there’s one with a subject that just comes out of nowhere…

Subject: cheaap softwaree disaster

Hey, I know our products have their faults, but you didn’t have to be so cruel…

Subject: emerge pompadour texas elan raindrop tyranny baby awkward

Duck-billed kumquat alligator shoes? Septic oriole dishwater vacuums!

Subject: The timing couldn't be better to catch this hot pick before it runs szgl xmsn zx zzqip

I hate it when things run szgl xmsn zx zzqip. It’s a mess to clean up.

Subject: Re: ask blocky

Is that an advice column for kids?

Subject: frugal macbeth

You’re supposed to call it ‘the Scottish play’…

Subject: my boss tihnks your gay

My gay what? And what does he think of it? Damn, I hate cliffhangers…

And of course:

Subject: halibut barn

Ooooh, Pottery Barn better watch out…

First You Get The Karma, Then You Get The Power, Then You Get The Women…

While I was browsing Slashdot during lunch on Friday, I was surprised to see drop-list boxes suddenly appear at the end of comments I was viewing. A quick scan for further information revealed that apparently I had been selected to be a Slashdot moderator!

So what, right? After all they’re automatically and randomly selected, it only lasts three days, and you only get five points to spend adjusting comment scores. It’s not like the site admins themselves personally anointed me and invited me to their country club. :-P

What was actually interesting about it was the effect that it had on my own reading habits. Normally I just skim along looking at the highly-ranked comments that display automatically, and any with titles that contain something that catches my eye. Continuing to do that didn’t really give me any opportunities to spend points though, since most of them were already highly ranked and the few other threads that I delved into just weren’t very interesting. I obviously had to start reading more threads if I was going to find anything to moderate.

At first I got all idealistic and figured hey, I’ll check out all of the later, neglected threads where somebody may have posted something extremely important but was ignored since most people have moved on. Of course, there were a few problems with that… One is that there are a *lot* of such comments, often in isolation, and it’s not obvious from the subject alone whether it’ll be worth checking out. Also, they often didn’t really have anything interesting to say after all. There’s probably a point at which everything worth saying has already been said, and beyond that it’s just bitches, whines, complaints, and such.

So next I started delving into the longer threads near the middle of the comments, where I encountered the next problem: decision paralysis. Sure, there were plenty of on-topic comments to choose from, but does this one really count as ‘insightful’ enough? Sure, this guy posted a bit of useful information, but with people posting so furiously there’s a lot of overlap, and maybe someone else has posted even more and really deserves the points. Or maybe not. And this post looks interesting, but it’s not really my area of expertise, so how do I know for sure? For all I know someone else is going to come along and post “No, you’re full of shit because…”

So, instead, I went to the shorter, 3-5 comment threads near the middle of the pack and spent points on posts in those instead. That seemed like a reasonable compromise between finding neglected posts and trying to avoid redundant information or overly long, meandering threads.

And now all my points are gone and I never did get those women…

Fever Dreams

I don’t know whether it’s the NyQuil or the cold, but the last couple days my dreams have been a bit more vivid and weird than normal. As usual I can’t remember most of them, but I do recall a period in which I thought that if I moved the wrong direction I would destroy my iBook. Later on, I kept thinking that I had been outbid on a couple auctions and could see them on the screen, but couldn’t get to them to rebid and they were about to close…

I’m such a geek…

Hidden Quakes

Another game that I’ve recently discovered I have the Mac version of is Quake 3. I knew there was a Mac version of it, but I didn’t know if it was on the discs that I had. I found the CD case and examined it, but it didn’t say *anything* at all about what platforms were supported. So, figuring it was worth a shot anyway, I slapped the CD into the iBook and sure enough, a Mac installer was right there.

I also have Team Arena, since it was the Quake Gold package, but right on the front of its CD it says “Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT4”. Oh well. But maybe… Sure enough, after sticking it in, there was a Mac installer for it too.

Things get even stranger though. The first thing you do after installing any game nowadays is to go and grab the patches, right? Q3 was still running in Classic mode and was a bit choppy, so I hoped there would at least be a native OS X patch. Well, off to idsoftware.com I went, but oddly enough I couldn’t find any Mac patches at all. There were Linux and Windows patches to bring it to 1.31, but nothing for the Mac. Well, maybe the 1.30 included in the Gold package really is the final version for the Mac, I thought.

After poking around a bit though, there was a file named “Patches and Updates blah blah blah.html”, and it had a URL to quake3world.com’s files section. After a quick visit there I could see that they were actually up to 1.32 for the Linux and Windows versions, but there was only a beta version of a patch to 1.31 for the Mac. It was, however, a broken link. Well goodie. Starting from the front page of fileplanet.com I worked down to the Quake 3 files and, lo and behold, there was what I really wanted: a final, official 1.32 point release for Mac OS X. Ugh, it just had to be FilePlanet…

You’d think that the company’s own site would be the place to go for the latest updates. Or that the biggest fansites would have working links to the right places. No wonder people are wary of gaming on the Mac if they’re going to treat it like the red-headed stepchild…


Ugh, I’d almost forgotten just how much it sucks to get a cold. It must have been a while since my last one — although I found some DayQuil and NyQuil in the cupboards, they expired over two *years* ago…

Here’s to hoping a new batch of the big Q will help tonight… “Merry Fucking Christmas!”