I recently tried out an RSS aggregator extension for my browser, and I have to say, I’m not really impressed so far. It *works*, but I find the following a bit annoying:

1) Inconsistent context. Some sites put the whole damn article in the RSS entries, some only put the first ‘x’ number of words.
2) Lack of comment information. Often I’m interested in seeing any new comments on older entries, but the RSS file doesn’t even tell me how many comments there are so I can’t tell if there are any new ones
3) Inconsistent HTML usage. Some sites put HTML within the RSS entry, but some don’t, which is important on sites where things like accompanying images are important to the entry.

As a result I usually wind up visiting the site manually anyway to get the proper layout, images, comments, etc., so checking in the RSS aggregator first didn’t really do any good.

I can see one area in which RSS would be quite useful, when you want to check large numbers of infrequently-updated sites for new entries without having to visit every single one. It just doesn’t do much to help me out. It sounds great in theory, so maybe it’s just the implementations and usage of it that’s not up to snuff yet.


I’m sure by now everyone and their dog has heard about the Windows NT/2K source code being leaked, and I have to say, I feel a bit sorry for them.

Now before you bite my head off, no, I’m not going soft on them. Windows still sucks technically, their business practices are still shady, and I still try to avoid buying from them when I can. It’s still their code though, and it’s their right to control it. By application of The Golden Rule, I can’t condone something happening to them that I wouldn’t want to happen to myself. If our company code ever got leaked, I’d probably crawl under a rock and die of embarrassment at having all of my coding sins exposed to the world.

Now that it’s out though, will I look at it? Hell no, that code is poison to any professional programmer. The last thing I need is Microsoft out to ruin my professional career just because there’s even the slightest suspicion I may have glanced at it, or to have any future contributions to open source projects subject to suspicion of being tainted knowledge. Just look at what SCO’s up to to see where that leads.

The Dark Side Of The Net

You learn an awful lot when you run your own site, and it’s mostly driven by what people try to do to you. This week’s lesson was about ‘dark crawlers,’ web spiders that don’t play by the rules.

Any program that crawls the web for information (mostly search engines), is supposed to follow the robots exclusion standard kept in the robots.txt file. Not every part of a web site is suitable for crawling — for example, the /cgi-bin/mt-comments.cgi… links on my site would just contain redundant information already in the main articles and would place extra load on the server — so you use that file to tell crawlers which parts of your site not to bother loading. You can also use it to stop crawlers that are behaving in ways you don’t like (e.g., polling too often) based on a unique part of their user agent name.

Adherence to that standard is entirely voluntary though, and some crawlers ignore it entirely. Yesterday I noticed a large number of hits coming from two class-C subnets. Although they appeared to be regular web browsers by their user agents (one Mac, one Windows), they were very rapidly working their way through every article on the site, in numerical order. A Google check on the IP address range quickly revealed that they were part of a company called ‘Web Content International’ which is apparently notorious for this kind of dark crawling.

A couple of new firewall rules to drop packets from them stopped their crawling, but then my kernel logs were getting flooded with firewall intrusion notices. They were apparently content to sit there retrying every few seconds for however long it took to get back in. Allowing them back in and having Apache return a 403 Forbidden page to requests from their address ranges instead seemed to finally make them stop.

Is that kind of crawling really that bad? Crawling is a natural web activity now, the site is public information, and these guys probably don’t intend any harm, so it doesn’t seem *too* bad. There are worse offenders out there too, such as dark crawlers that specifically go into areas marked as ‘Disallowed’ in robots.txt even if they weren’t part of the original crawl, hoping to find juicy details like e-mail addresses to spam. Still, if they want to crawl they should be open about admitting they’re doing so by following the robot standards. If they’re going to be sneaky about getting my data, I’m perfectly within my rights in being sneaky in denying it to them.


Okay, having addressed 64-bit hardware the question remains, who cares? What does it actually mean to you?

Well, nothing really. For all the end-user knows the system could be 8-bit or 500-bit or whatever internally, and it doesn’t matter. Linux or Windows or whatever you use will still look, feel, and run the same way. The only people it really makes a big difference to are the programmers, but in a roundabout way it does eventually wind up affecting the end-user.
Continue reading “Nibbles-n-bits-n-bits-n-bits-n-bits-n-…”

Smaller Is Better?

Yeesh, I’m falling behind on all the tech news. I only just found out about the BTX form factor which is supposed to be available fairly soon.

It sounds great on paper, allowing smaller cases, better cooling of components, more silent operation, etc., but already my hands are cringing in fear. Why? Because every time I open one of my cases to work on the internals, I wind up getting cuts on my hands from *somewhere*. I’m still not entirely sure where and I may not even notice until hours later, but something inside those cases is trying to murder me. Or cut my fingers off, at least. Smaller cases are just going to make it even worse!

I don’t think this is what they meant by progress sometimes requiring the sacrifice of blood…


All I wanted to do was convert some clips… I’ve collected a number of little bits of video over the years, but they’re sometimes a bit of a pain to deal with. They’re in a zillion different formats, have to be played back on the computer, are often too small on the monitor and don’t look good when blown up to full screen, and need something a bit faster than my 400 MHz Linux box anyway. (The other, faster one’s often in XP for games.)

Fortunately there’s an easy solution: Video CDs! Simply convert everything to MPEG files, burn them to CD, and I can play them on my DVD player instead.

It turns out that video is a bit more complex than I had anticipated…
Continue reading “Vidiot”

Watch Those Wildcards

A RAID array may save your data from drive failure, but it won’t protect it from brain farts.

heide:/media/video/anime$ mkdir tmp ; cd tmp
heide:/media/video/anime/tmp$ cp ../bagi_part*
heide:/media/video/anime/tmp$ ls

Wait, what did I just do…

I just copied the part 1 file over top of the part 2 file, that’s what… Gotta be careful with those wildcard expansions, especially when ‘cp’ and ‘mv’ are involved. (In this case I forgot the ‘.’ parameter at the end to tell it to copy the files here instead of over each other.)

Fortunately I hadn’t wiped the Linux partition on the old system yet and could recopy it back from there. Laziness pays off sometimes…

How Do I Hate Thee? Let Me Count The Ways…

Lotus Notes must die. It was pushed onto us when we got bought out by our parent company and we had to integrate with their e-mail system, and it’s come to be universally loathed around the office. Outlook/Exchange had their own fair share of problems, but at least they were well-known and livable.
Continue reading “How Do I Hate Thee? Let Me Count The Ways…”

Biting the Apple

Looking around at a lot of people I know, it seems like I’m the only one *not* using or at least praising the Mac. Why haven’t I taken the plunge yet? Well, it’s not any “OS A sucks, B rulez!!1!” mentality; OSX sounds just great from most reports so far.

I already have two working systems, a full-time Linux server for ‘work’ and a dual boot XP/Linux system for gaming and other CPU-intense tasks, and between them I have pretty much all of my needs covered. Whenever I upgrade it’s almost always to get better gaming performance, not for experimental systems. I don’t really have the room for a new system and I’m not about to *replace* a whole system with a relatively unknown (to me) one. I just don’t have any big incentive to switch or add in a Mac yet.

Except maybe in one spot… The one thing I’m still missing is a laptop. It’s always been a fairly low priority item for me since I don’t travel much, but there’s the odd time it might be useful. Since the tasks it would need to be able to handle would be pretty basic (store files, access USB devices, basic net connectivity), a Mac would cover those basic tasks pretty well while still letting me have one to tinker with.

Will I? Eh, depends on how lazy I’m feeling when/if I ever get around to it. :-P It probably wouldn’t even be a top-end model; something like the 14″ iBook would likely suffice. I’m certainly not about to shell out $4300 for this one…

Now I Just Need A Virus Ninja

The War on Spam is getting to the point where you need better automated tools; having to manually adjust procmail filters for every new trick was quickly becoming annoying.

So, I finally decided to give SpamAssassin a whirl. It’s always been highly recommended but I’d been a bit hesitant to use it since it looked like it might be overkill. It’s the kind of thing you install to handle spam across entire corporate networks (we use it at work here too), so I was expecting something sendmail-like in its difficulty to configure and admin. It turned out to be pretty painless, though — do the ‘make install’, set up the .forward and .procmailrc files (the samples included work just fine), and ta-da, you’re done and your e-mail is now being spam-filtered.

The important question is, of course: does it work? The answer is yes…and no. So far it has caught a good number of spam messages and not accidentally flagged any valid e-mail as false positives. There are however still a few types of messages making it through the filter:

1) Viruses. Unfortunately Swen and its ilk are still circulating around the net far too much, and with little text in the message to parse and none of the spammer’s tricks being used, it’s hard for SpamAssassin to catch these. Technically it’s not really SA’s job to catch viruses; I’ll have to find another package and use it to do additional virus filtering instead.

2) Short, generic spam. These are those messages with vague subjects like “hi”, “lose it”, “can u spend few mins?” etc. and worded like a friendly greeting. Since most of the usual spammer’s tricks are missing, SA can’t judge these very well.

However, there is hope for the latter case: SA uses ‘Bayesian filtering’ to attempt to learn what spam looks like. If I keep feeding messages like those to the database, it should eventually start to be able to tell the difference between them and valid e-mail and start filtering them automatically. In theory, anyway. Only time will tell how well it will work, as it has to build up a history first.

In the meantime I still have to handle those viruses and some spam messages manually. It’s still better than no filtering at all though, and using the SA tools to teach it about the spam it misses isn’t too much of a hassle.

You Don’t Get What You Don’t Pay For

I finally got around to buying a proper set of headphones for my portable music. Unfortunately, I was focusing primarily on making sure that they were light and unobtrusive — I have a fantastic quality set of headphones at home already, but they’re big and bulky and shut out nearly all other sound, which doesn’t make them very practical for day-to-day casual use. That led me to a set of Sony headphones that only cost around $16, but they seemed to be just what I was looking for.

Of course, they turned out to be utter crap. Too much of the sound leaks away, especially high frequencies, the headband is some cheap plastic that I swear is going to break within a month, and the jack is ultra-quirky. The slightest shift causes crackling, volume fading, and the right channel vanishing entirely.

I’m probably going to have to go down to somewhere like A&B Sound to find a *true* decent set of headphones that won’t break easily, sound good, and work reliably, and it’ll probably cost an arm and a leg. Of course, there are limits…

Why Windows CE Sucks, Part 137

I was getting a bit tired of the same old playlist on my PocketPC, so I took over 400 of my favourite MP3s, transcoded them to ~96kbps Ogg Vorbis format, and wrote a script to randomly pick out around 256 megs worth of them each time it was run, to build new playlists that would fit in the memory card. The hardest part of all that was not the transcoding, or writing the script; it was just getting the damn files transferred to the PocketPC.

About the only way to transfer files to it is to open it up under Explorer, and drag and drop files into the folder you want, and the ActiveSync program takes care of copying them over. However, attempting to do so would invariably halt and cause the USB connection to break after three or four files were copied. I’d have to resync, delete the partially copied file, and restart the copy where it left off. That would be merely annoying except that after a while it wouldn’t just break the connection, but it would also corrupt the memory card.

Now I had to reformat the memory card, but guess what, Windows CE doesn’t include any way to format cards. I had to go looking for utilities on the net, and most of the ones I ran across were commercial bundles of utilities, and I wasn’t about to shell out money just to format this stupid card. I finally found a free set of tools to do the formatting, and could use the card again.

I also finally found out that other people were having the same problem, and that there was a patch available for ActiveSync that fixes problems with large file transfers, and applied it. Now the files are transferring properly and there haven’t been any breaks or corruption yet, but it’s going very slowly at around 100K/s. Even with an old USB 1.0 connection it should be ten times faster…

Though in the end it’s now working, it’s frustrating that it had to be so much trouble in the first place. Devices like PDAs are supposed to just work right out of the box, but they couldn’t even get something as basic as transferring files working properly…

What The Hell Is J0684IDX.AUT For?

It’s amazing how much crap accumulates on our computers. While working on something, I hit an unexpected ‘out of disk space’ error, so I started poking around trying to find stuff to get rid of so I could free up some space. It didn’t take long, and I figured I may as well spend a bit of time tidying up my whole system.

After I was finished I had deleted over 19 gigs of files. This system only has a 40 gig drive to begin with. Multi-megabyte trace files from bugs long since fixed, database snapshots from customers from years ago, source code from previous versions that’s no longer needed, online manuals I’d saved to disk and only used briefly, ten-line test programs written to quickly check something, software installed and used once and then forgotten, temp files from programs that failed to clean up properly, and all sorts of other junk was hiding about in the nooks and crannies of the filesystem.

It’s especially fun when you find files with no immediately obvious use, in a vaguely-named folder, with no documentation. Anything I couldn’t figure out within 30 seconds got thrown in the recycle bin.

Of course it’ll probably only take me a couple more months to fill the drive back up with junk again…

White Hats, Black Hats, Red Hats

Red Hat has just recently announced that they will no longer be offering the basic, free Red Hat Linux distribution and will only sell and support their Red Hat Enterprise Linux package, meant primarily for businesses. Their CEO has also come right out and said that “I would say that for the consumer market place, Windows probably continues to be the right product line.”

There is already much wailing and gnashing of teeth about how Red Hat has turned traitor, this is a slap in the face, blah blah blah. And I have to say…I don’t care.

Not just because I don’t use Red Hat on my systems, but because Red Hat simply isn’t obligated to push Linux onto the desktop. One of the great things about the Linux world is that you’re free to do whatever you want with it, and if Red Hat feels that their best chance of success is to focus on the business market, then they’re perfectly free to do so. There are plenty of other distributions out there, so if the others think they can do a better job on the desktop, now’s the time for them to take their shot.

Is their CEO right about Windows? Well, partly… Although Linux is perfectly viable, the desktop market they speak of extends all the way down to people who barely know where to plug things in and what to do with the funny-coloured round thing in the jewel case. Vendors have already dumbed down the installation process to their level, but mostly only on Windows. You can grab any random piece of hardware at the store and be assured that there will be full Windows drivers right in the box, but there’s no guarantee that it will work on Linux at all unless you check complex device support charts first. That’s not really Linux’s fault since it should be up to the vendor to provide the drivers, but it’s a chicken-and-egg problem. Linux is great once you’ve selected the proper hardware for it and installed and configured everything properly, but not everyone has a Linux guru handy to help them out.

It’s all perfectly fine to me — I’m a hobbyist user, not a casual desktop user, so all these little quirks and such don’t really bother me.


I’ve begun reading more fiction again, after a long hiatus. I used to devour books like crazy as a teenager, but they gradually got replaced by textbooks and technical manuals and games and web surfing and so on, and I just didn’t have time for plain old written stories anymore.

Now that I’ve got my V37 though, it’s made it a lot more convenient to find books, tote them around, and read them in spare moments thanks to the wonders of the e-book formats.

There is the occasional problem though, and it’s best illustrated here.

Why in the world is the e-book version over 40% more expensive than if you were to buy it brand new in paperback??? The physical book’s price includes a lot of overhead costs like distribution, storage, printing, etc. that would be next to nothing for the e-book version, yet they want even more for it. The only reason I can think of is that demand for it is expected to be so low that the production cost of putting it in e-book format has to be a large chunk of each sale (i.e., if it cost $10,000 to convert and you only expect to sell 1000 copies, each copy becomes $10 more expensive), but then the high price deters people from the e-book version anyway.

Another questionable tactic is that of selling off individual short stories. Not that there’s anything theoretically wrong with it, but here it seems like an attempt to squeeze more money out of them. Traditionally you would get a bunch of short stories in a collection, but if you were to add up enough of the stories you’d expect to get in one, the total cost is a lot higher when you have to buy them separately. I don’t want to have to look through the whole list, story-by-story, trying to figure out if it’s worth the 87 cents or not.

Fortunately most e-books *are* cheaper than the paper versions by a buck or two. It’s debatable whether an e-book is really a good replacement for a ‘real’, printed book, but the cheaper they are, the more you can get. I’ll probably just get printed versions of my favourites, which I might still want to reread twenty years down the road, but I don’t need printed versions of *every* so-so story I run across.

The Kernel’s New Recipe

The 2.6 branch of the Linux kernels is fast approaching ‘release’ status — the current version 2.6.0-test8 is essentially a release candidate, even if they don’t call it that specifically. I was curious just what was new in it and the latest version of Slackware I installed is supposed to be 2.6-ready, so I gave it a whirl.

What difference do kernel changes really make though? Well, here is a summary of the major changes between 2.4 and 2.6, and there’s a lot of them. Most are fairly subtle and arcane, so I’m just going to focus on the ones that really matter to me:
Continue reading “The Kernel’s New Recipe”

VeriSign Destroys The Internet

Okay, maybe that’s overstating things a bit. A small bit.

VeriSign, the company responsible for maintaining the top-level domain registry, started causing hostname lookups for non-existent domains to resolve to a site of their own, which would then show you a directory of sites that might help lead you to what you were looking for. ICANN made them stop doing it for a while, but VeriSign has vowed that they will put the service back into operation sometime soon.

What’s the problem?

Well, it’s formally incorrect behaviour and false information, for one. If I try to look up a name that doesn’t exist, I should get an error indicating that it doesn’t exist, not the IP address of some other site which isn’t what I’m looking for.

It’s annoying. An incorrect name error immediately tells me something is wrong, but if I get redirected I don’t know that until the site loads and I see it’s not the one I expected. With a ton of people being redirected to this single site it’ll get busy, so it could take a while just to find that out. And since the browser considers it a valid site, the misspelled name is now in the browser history, mucking up future lookups.

It impacts other programs and protocols; the Internet is more than just the web, after all. If I try to FTP/IRC/ssh/etc. to a site that doesn’t exist, instead of being told that it doesn’t exist my connection will now either be refused, or it will timeout. That doesn’t tell me that the name was wrong, so I remain unaware that the name I tried was incorrect and wind up thinking it’s just down or busy at the moment. Spam filters that try to check whether the originating domain is valid or not can no longer use that check — every domain name will appear to be valid. Misaddressed e-mail will have to pass through VeriSign’s e-mail servers before bouncing, if they even bother handling it, instead of letting the sender know immediately.

It’s unnecessary. Most browsers already give you the option of automatically doing a search engine lookup if the site you tried to reach doesn’t exist. This change by VeriSign overrides that, unnecessarily.

It’s a solution for a problem that doesn’t exist in the first place, that just causes even more problems. It smacks of being driven by advertising revenue behind their directory, which seems a tad unethical. It’s like having the phone company automatically forwarding you to Bob’s Auto Repair whenever you misdial Joe’s Auto Repair by one digit…