The Tower Calls To Me

And of course I couldn’t leave well enough alone and couldn’t resist a bit more Persona 3 tonight…

I tackled the newly opened Tartarus areas and made it up to floor 59 boss without too much trouble; the new enemies aren’t all that much tougher than the previous ones. I also completed a few more requests for Elizabeth, including another ‘date’ to one of the stations, joined the photo club and got a new social link for it, and raised a few others.

I also ran across a dog name Koromaru that I already know is going to wind up joining us at one point. Yes, as a party member.

No Werewolves, Though

I felt like I was already prepared enough for the next full moon event in Persona 3, but it was still 16 days away, so I popped back into Tartarus a few times just to grind some more cash and xp, complete a bunch of Elizabeth’s requests, and fuse some more personas. With newer equipment, my teammates look a bit ridiculous now, with Yukari in a bikini top and holding a toy bow, and Junpei with a bat with a bunch of nails in it.

Otherwise, I worked on some more social links, raising them with Yoku, Kenji, the swim team, and the little girl at the shrine (not creepy at all!), and gaining a new one with an annoying fat kid named Nozomi. I raised his a bunch of times while I had a matching persona, and he has a weird story involving some kind of cult, a dead brother, this adult he pissed off, and of course a love of food. Turns out I shouldn’t have bothered with him for now since he counts as a non-school link I could have worked on in the summer instead, focusing on school ones for now, but oh well.

The full moon event arrived, where we discovered that the students who had gone missing recently had been trapped in the school, and we rescued them during the dark hour. The boss fight was pretty trivial, which was good because there were an awful lot of cutscenes that would have had to be repeated if I’d failed… After beating the event, one of the missing girls (Fuuka) joined us, I got the Knock Down tactic, and can now fuse personas into weapons.

I couldn’t enter Tartarus again for a while, so I just worked on social links and stats in the meantime, gaining two new social links with a monk in the nightclub and the mysterious boy (Pharos) who’s been showing up at the Dark Hour sometimes. I might actually max out a few of them like the student council and swim team sometime soon.

Coachin’ Ain’t Easy

I also browsed through the PSN store looking at the recent stuff, and although Ratchet & Clank: Quest For Booty looks tempting, I should probably finish off the R&C Future game I already started first… Instead I grabbed the Head Coach 09 demo; normally I’m not much of a football guy, but I was curious what it would be like from the management side rather than as a player.

As expected, it’s rather stat-heavy, with people representing not just the players but all of the support roles on your team as well like position-specific coaches, coordinators, and trainers, with skill levels, purchasable skill trees, cross-league effectiveness rankings, different ways you can ask to change their behaviours, ‘needs’ that each of them wants fulfilled, approval ratings, etc…

It’s all rather overwhelming and there didn’t seem to be much to do anyway since the demo starts you off with an already well-developed team, so I skipped ahead to the first game. Since it’s a management sim, you don’t control the players directly but instead do things like pick what plays to run, make adjustments to the defensive line, and respond to other events that come up like injuries and requests for substitutions. Or you can just let your coaches make the decisions and see what happens, which I pretty much had to do thanks to my complete ignorance of football.

Interesting, but it’s really for people who are true football fanatics, not me.

The Running Of The Red Bulls

It was time to take a bit of a break from Persona 3, so tonight I did another rFactor simulation of the upcoming F1 race in Valencia. It took two attempts; the first one was a disaster because I was using an older version of the track with a terrible AIW file, but after upgrading to the latest one it was much better, with a final podium of Hamilton, Raikkonen, and, uh, Fisichella? Okay, whatever…

The AI is still overly aggressive though, trying crazy moves in corners, rubbing other cars too much, and the mechanical failure rate is nuts; it’s impossible to complete a full-length race with even one car making it to the finish without falling apart, so I have to do half-races instead. I’m still not sure if it’s the mod or rFactor’s fault, though.

I’ll Just Cram At The Last Minute

Today’s Persona 3 session was mostly grinding in Tartarus, first with just me and Junpei since Yukari was unavailable for some reason. I also gave up on trying to squeeze in a ton of Academics raises, and just focused on a couple social links instead.

The exams came and went, Akihiko finally rejoined the rest of the group, and I went back to Tartarus again. I tried the floor 36 boss and got creamed by it, but after grinding on the lower floors for a while and gaining a few levels, we beat him without too much trouble the second time. The real secret was getting a persona that was resistant to wind attacks.

And speaking of personas, I fused a whole bunch of them and now primarily use a Lilim that has all four elemental attacks available, with a backup persona (currently a Unicorn) for buffs, heals, and other support stuff.

I also improved the social links with the old couple, student council, and swim team leader, and met a guy called Bebe along the way, who will apparently be another social link later on.

Cheating Via Commode

With exams almost here in Persona 3, I tried a bit of an experiment and focused on raising my Academics stat exclusively as much as I could before the exams started, by keeping in Great shape and using the shrine. Unfortunately it wasn’t enough to gain another rank and I didn’t get the top marks, so I reverted to an earlier save so I could broaden my focus again.

With the barrier gone, I returned to Tartarus, first stopping off at the Velvet Room to fuse a new persona. Partly to start filling out the list of them now that I have the Compendium available, and partly to free up space for new ones I find.

The enemies in this new block are tougher, of course, requiring me to spend more SP on persona attacks and healing. Still, I managed to get up to floor 25 and beat the boss there, largely with the same technique I used before of keeping two of them knocked down while we whittled away at the remaining one. After that I managed to sneak all the way up to floor 36 where the next boss is, but I’m not sure I’m ready for it. It’s the last floor of the block though, so I’m well prepared for the end of this moon cycle and can just focus on grinding xp and getting ready for it now.

Along the way I also picked up another rank in both Charm and Courage, the latter thanks to karaoke again. I’ve also got an idea about how I can gain even more Academics skill, by exploiting the reload of saves and using the bathroom to get Great status so I can use both the shrine and late-night studying, so maybe I’ll ace those exams after all. It’s worked for one day’s cycle; it’s just rather tedious to do all that reloading…

And although there’s a one year time limit, I’m about one and a half months in and it’s taken 10 hours of play, so at this rate it’s still going to be a pretty lengthy game.

I Didn’t Study This Hard In Real Life

Back in Persona 3, I easily made it the rest of the way up to floor 16 of Tartarus and got the document needed for Elizabeth’s timed quest. There was another boss fight along the way on floor 14, but this one was much easier than the earlier one and I beat it the first time. There was a barrier on floor 16 which prevented me from proceeding any further until the next full moon (six days away), apparently.

In the meantime I gained a rank in Courage through a few nights of karaoke, gained social links with the swim team leader and a little girl at the shrine, and went back to Tartarus to grind a bit for some more xp and items.

The full moon arrived and this time another shadow appeared outside the tower and we chased it to a monorail, where a series of fights broke out as we made our way down the train and culminated in a timed section in getting to the boss. The boss fight was a bit annoying because she kept summoning new monsters into the fight, but otherwise wasn’t too hard, and there was plenty of xp rewarded for this segment. The barrier is gone now, so I can start exploring more floors of the tower again.

And it’s almost exam time, so I’m hoping I can gain one more rank in Academics before then. Donating money at the shrine while in Great condition is best for that, but it’s often hard to organize with other students and events distracting you…

And about that monorail boss, I think Junpei speaks for us all:

The Tower’s Elevator Must Be Broken

I developed a few new social links in Persona 3 today, including the swim club at the school, the student council, and an MMORPG player. I also managed to finally advance my Academics stat one rank, which will come in important since you need a decent academics skill for the exams coming up.

I started getting requests from Elizabeth in the Velvet Room, usually to find a certain type of item or use a certain skill, but one of them involved taking her on a ‘date’ to the mall. Some of her requests are timed, and one wants an item from the 16th floor of Tartarus. I was only up to floor 4 by this point, so I blitzed up a whole bunch of floors in a fairly short time, and fortunately the enemies don’t get too tough too quickly.

The only real trouble was on floor 10, where a boss fight was blocking the way. They were an extremely annoying fight because even after figuring out their weakness, I failed the fight four times in a row. After a perfect opening round and all-out-attack, they then proceed to either focus on me and kill me off in a single round, or hit everyone with their elemental weaknesses and I never got another chance at control (I didn’t have a suitable counter-persona that still let me hit their weakness yet), or my first attack missed and I was dead before I got another turn, or they knock out a party member and send me into a constantly-recovering death spiral, or…

It wasn’t until I finally changed tactics and decided to try and keep two of them knocked down instead of going for an all-out attack that I finally succeeded, and even then it took three more tries before it worked, due to misses leading to the above scenarios again. Oh well, I got them in the end and I’m on floor 11 now with three or four more days before the deadline, so I should be in good shape.

And it turns out Japan has their own sleazy shopping network hosts:

Isn’t Having Multiple Ones A Disorder?

Having finished a fairly short game, of course it’s now time for an extremely long one, and oh hey, there’s my Persona 3 FES case…

It starts out in a school setting, where you’re a new student and you meet a bunch of the other students, all of which have fairly well-fleshed-out personalities (for an RPG, anyway), like Yukuri the nervous worrywart and Junpei the boisterous, overly-friendly goofball. Time proceeds day-by-day in different phases of the day, including going to classes (where you have to pay attention and potentially answer questions), after-school activities, and hanging out in the dorms in the evening. There’s a one year time limit on the game, but there’s a lot to do each day, so it’s going to take a while.

It’s not just a school simulation game though; it’s not long before the other students are spying on me in my sleep and I learn about the Dark Hour, a period between days when regular people turn into coffins and creatures called Shadows prey on some, while others like us are unaffected. I also encounter the Velvet Room, an otherworldly place that becomes important later on. Suddenly, the students are attacked by Shadows, we’re cornered while escaping, and I summon a ‘persona’ and defeat them. That all takes place in cutscenes, but there is a brief and easy sample battle to mop up afterwards.

Back in the Velvet Room I got a tutorial on personas, learned how they’re tied to the strength of ‘social links’ with other people and that I have to develop those. Back in the real world, the students revealed that they’re part of a secret group fighting the Shadows and I agreed to join them. So, really, it’s kind of like a Japanese version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer…

After that we went to check out Tartarus, a tower that appears only during the Dark Hour, and explored the first level of it, getting basic combat tutorials along the way. Afterwards, I was finally able to choose my own after-school activities; up to this point, specific activities in the daily phases had been forced on me, but now I’m able to choose whether I want to study, join a club, spend time in the town, build relationships for the social links, etc.

To round out the night I went to Tartarus once again, and went up a couple more floors, gained a couple levels, found two new personas, and learned a bit more about how personas can be fused together to create new ones. Apparently I’m unique in my ability to have multiple personas, whereas everyone else is stuck with one specific one.

Unfortunately they don’t all look like this…

It Was Actually More Like A Soccer Ball

I was pretty close to the end anyway, so I finished off Prey this morning.

Picking up where I left off, I finally found a rocket-lancher-like weapon, which would come in handy later on. The levels also continued to get weirder, with one big gravity-based cube puzzle, and an area with portals arranged in a maze-like way, where I took aim at an obscured enemy at the end of a long hallway and wound up shooting myself in the head…

I had to ascend an extremely large tower, leading to another long shuttle sequence that involved landing on asteroids (with their own gravity), more enemies, and some timing puzzles. The voice in my head continued to pester me, telling me that it was letting me live so that it could give me a glorious future soon, but first I had to prove myself in a large room with a puzzle involving getting to the right platform by flipping switches in spirit form.

Endgame spoilers:
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