Repeating School

And then, getting back to Disgaea 3 after that weird little detour, I started Chapter 5 tonight. I didn’t get too far into it though, thanks to level 5-2. No, it wasn’t too hard, in fact the problem is that it was too easy and I couldn’t resist the temptation to grind it a handful of times.

With all of the exp gained there, my main characters are in the 34-36 level range now, and I also had enough mana to reincarnate my armour knight and heretic (they were too low to really help out much right now anyway), unlock the honor club and geo master class, and create a few new characters of other unlocked classes.


No time for EQ tonight, since I took a sidestep into the weird. Today was the release of Noby Noby Boy, by the same guy who made the Katamari games, and it’s certainly…different.

It’s not even really a game, as there’s no goals or missions or anything to it. It’s basically an interactive toy, where you guide the aforementioned boy around various levels, stretching his snake-like body out, jumping around, knocking stuff over, gobbling up items and people. But there’s no score or anything, and you can move on to the next map anytime you want. It’s really just about having fun controlling him and interacting with the environment.

About the only kinda-gamelike element to it is that you can report the length you’ve stretched the boy to the servers, where it’ll be added to the length of a similar girl that’s stretching away from the earth. All other players are also adding to her length, and there’s a leaderboard of total length added by each player so far. Supposedly when she reaches certain distances, new planets will be selectable with new kinds of maps.

I doubt I’ll actually play with it much since it’s only fun for a little while, but it was only $5 too, and my curiosity is satisfied.


I caved.

I felt the MMORPG itch, but instead of turning back to WoW, I fell back into the arms of an old friend — EverQuest. I’d been meaning to give it one more shot for a long time now, so I caught up to the latest expansion tonight, logged in, and…I have no idea what I’m doing.

The problem is that it’s been almost five years since I last seriously played it. I have no idea what zones are new, what new features have been added, where the good leveling spots are now, how to get back into the old rhythm of play, who I should be looking for for good groups, what “obvious” things I should be configuring and setting up, where to get some good new equipment…

Fortunately I’ve found a few resources that should help: the EQSummoners’ Returning To EQ FAQ, Allakhazam’s expansion guides, and even the old enchanter forum is still around.

Looks like I’ve got a bit of reading and preparation to do… So far I’ve just taken my monk out of the zone he was in and back to the Plane of Knowledge, and just trying to remember what the available skills are and how to avoid aggro while traveling around was an adventure in itself, as well as getting lost in Blackburrow along the way.


I finished off chapter 4 in Disgaea 3 over the last couple days, wherein Mao confronted his daddy issues, got turned into a mental child, and the princess Almaz was pining for showed up. Never a dull moment in the Netherworld.

Progress-wise, Mao’s at level 30 now and I’ve unlocked a bunch of stuff like a bigger classroom, a few more character classes, some more school clubs, and the Class World. I haven’t entered the Class World yet, and like many of the other features it won’t really be useful until after the main story, but I’ll probably go through it once sometime soon just for kicks.

Grinding has been fairly minimal so far, though new weapons are starting to get really expensive now. The really good grinding spot isn’t supposed to be until chapter 7, though…


Having finished Fallout 3, next on the list is getting back to Disgaea 3.

I made it through all of chapters 2 and 3 today, involving tracking down an Emeril-esque Home Ec teacher who takes cooking rather seriously (“Cooking means always risking your life!”) so that Mao could cook a dragon egg in order to open his heart and get rid of a fake hero’s title, and then beating up the netherworld school board.

Well, nobody claimed Disgaea ever made any sense.

Mao’s around level 25 now, with a bunch of others close behind, but I also created some new characters (a thief, an armour knight, a heretic, and a wind spinner), and some of them are lagging behind. It’s hard to get the xp and mana to split evenly.

At Least They Don’t Wear Capes

Catching up on Fallout 3 over the last few days, I finally went down and completed the RobCo quest, though there wasn’t much to it. After that I headed to the Arlington Library to complete Moira’s quests, where I finally ran into the Brotherhood of Steel for the first time. Their Citadel was nearby, but I couldn’t figure out how to get in, as the intercom didn’t do anything.
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Pretend Love Is Better Than Nothing, Right?

And it’s time to dip back into WoW yet again thanks to another timed event. This time it’s the “Love Is In The Air” festival, and I managed to complete the Horde gift collection part and a handful of achievements tonight. A lot of the achievements for it just depend on random luck in what you get from a gift you can only attempt once an hour, though.

I also still need to track down a dwarf hunter for the rose-petal-sprinkling achievement, but everyone’s staying in their home cities for the event. Shattrath, Gadgetzan, and Booty Bay were all deserted.