
Yesterday was also spent primarily in EQ2, as I continued cleaning up newbie quests around the Qeynos and Antonica areas with my shaman. And then went and did them again with my illusionist, who’s now up to level 19.

I think that’s as far as I’ll take my shaman around that area though, as he’s starting to run into content that we could do as a group instead.


The last few days have been pretty EQ2-heavy, starting with our weekly group outing on Thursday. Everybody met up and split into two groups since we had too many for a single group, and we worked our way through the Timorous Deep newbie quests and up through the Green Overlook, which is as far as I got with my enchanter as well.

On Friday I primarily worked on the newbie quests around the Qeynos area, with the xp slider set 100% towards AAs so that I didn’t gain any adventure xp and get too far ahead in levels. And then on Saturday I primarily worked on crafting, getting up to level 24 as an Alchemist. The potions I can make don’t look too exciting, but I’ll also be able to make enchantments that you can apply to pieces of armour to add stats and abilities. After that, I then did some exploration and questing in the Antonica area just outside Qeynos, which would have been the old West Karana and North Karana, I guess.

So, currently I’m at adventure level 15, crafting level 24, and with 16 AA points earned. And I haven’t even spent 15 of the AAs; I still need to research builds, so I’ve only spent one on the summon wolf ability, which was a prerequisite to pretty much everything in one tree anyway.