Make Sure Your Insurance Is Up To Date

Today they released AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! – A Reckless Disregard For Gravity on Steam, and I’d preordered it a while ago to take advantage of a discount. Yes, that is its full name.

It’s basically about jumping off of buildings and try to land in a ring at the bottom, scoring as much as you can along the way by ‘hugging’ and ‘kissing’ buildings (get near them once to tag it for a ‘kiss’, but stay close to it for a sustained period for a series of ‘hugs’), hitting glass score plates, flipping off protesters, and spraying graffiti (though I don’t think I’ve unlocked the latter two yet). It’s all about maximizing your score by trying to find the best routes and taking appropriate risks; swing wildly about and you can reach more buildings for kisses and hit more scoring spots, but you’re more likely to bounce or crash.

There’s been a decent variety to the levels so far, with some taking place on a mountain as well, where you have to make sure you keep enough lateral momentum not to crash into the mountainside while still keeping close enough to ‘hug’ it. They can get fairly hard too, with some taking me numerous attempts just to land safely at all, or only scoring one or two stars when I thought I’d done fairly well.

There’s also some kind of surreal dystopian twist to the world it takes place in, seen through things like news updates at the level select screen (reported by the most disinterested DJ ever) and ‘meditations’ you unlock, but that’s just background flavour so far.

Fistfights With My Cousin

I haven’t played much lately since I’ve mainly been reinstalling stuff after upgrading my hardware and installing Windows 7. But, with plenty of free disk space now, I put GTA4 back on and played through the first handful of missions.

I’m not sure I like the melee combat system, though. Moving around is so slow and blocks and disarms are hard to pull off. This mission where I had to rescue my cousin and then chase down a loan shark took me a good four tries before I beat it, mainly thanks to trouble with the melee.

But at least the performance is pretty good now.

Shooting Minis And Stealing Potatos For Fun And Profit

Yesterday I also spent a bit of time with Hard Truck Apocalypse, which I’d picked up in some sale a little while ago. It’s reminiscent of Autoduel, being based around driving around with armed vehicles, doing quests and shooting up other people’s trucks.

The story is rather cliche (the basic out for revenge for my father’s death, etc.) and the production values are rather low, especially the horrible voice acting. It’s also rather convenient that everybody in the future has to wear masks that just happen to remove the need for facial animations in the cutscenes… Still, you get to drive around and blow stuff up, which can be fun enough on its own. The main complaint so far is that there’s been an awful lot of backtracking through the same roads, but it looks like I’ll be sent to a new area next at least.


Instead of continuing on in Trine, I wound up doing a grab-bag of different things today.

First I fired up Crackdown for a little bit. I know I swore I wouldn’t bother trying for that last agility orb anymore, but I figured I should at least check the tops of the tallest Shai-Gen buildings, since I’d passed over them before. But it wasn’t there.

I checked out the recent XBLA games and gave Rocket Riot a try, and the trial was fun enough that I wound up buying the full game. It’s fairly simple, you pilot your legless guy around a destructible 2D map trying to accomplish the given goal by firing arcing rockets around, but there’s a decent amount of variety to the goals.

And finally, inspired by a resurrected forum post, I dusted off Test Drive Unlimited and redid the Millionaire’s Challenge once again, since it gives you a good tour of the perimeter of the island. I’m a little rusty, coming in a minute slower than my previous record, but I triggered the police way too much this time.
– test drive unlimited

Feed Me

I was able to play around with Prototype for a bit today. It definitely has the open-world feel, though it’s a bit empty right now since I’m still fairly close to the start. There isn’t really much to do except a few races, starting the next mission, and causing some minor havoc that’s not really worth the effort in terms of xp earned. Stuff should be opening up soon though, as I can ‘consume’ certain people, gain their memories, and open up parts of the story and new people to meet.

The premise is a bit overwrought — you’re the product of some experiment gone wrong, an infection is spreading, and you’re out for revenge, blah blah blah. The movement isn’t as precise as Crackdown, and probably deliberately so, and there’s no stopping to contemplate how to reach a particular point — you just run straight up the side of a building. The controls while sprinting and wall-running are a bit awkward, and I’m constantly overshooting the tops of buildings and falling off the other side, but apparently there are upgrades that will help refine the controls.

And for someone who’s wanted so desperately by the military, it’s kind of odd how I can run up a wall, leap off a building and land in the middle of the street with a big concrete-breaking thud, or sprint through traffic and bounce off the roofs of cars, and nobody wandering around seems to think it odd.

One Last Shot

I bought Prototype today, but it was taking forever to download from Steam, so in the meantime I started up Crackdown to get me in the right frame of mind.

I also had another motive for returning to Crackdown: that one last damn agility orb that I’m still missing. I’m up to 498 of 500, I know where one is (and want to make it the very last one I pick up), and now there’s just one left. Damned if I know where it is, though. I’ve considered following guides to all of the orbs, but that gets tedious quickly, so I just ran around listening for the orb-nearby sound.

Alas, by the end of the evening, the agility orb still eluded me. I did pick up a good 15-20 more hidden orbs though, putting me at 283 of 300 of them. I don’t think I’m going to waste any more time on that agility orb, though — congrats orb, you’ve beaten me.

A Little Late To The Party

After EQ, I actually spent most of the day in WoW, though. I finished off most of the quests in Netherstorm, a couple I’d left hanging in Blade’s Edge, and finally headed off to start the Wrath of the Lich King zones in earnest. I’ll focus on Howling Fjord first, where I’m cleaning up some quests around Angmar, but haven’t decided where to go after that.

I was a bit surprised at how much money I made, going from something like 350 gold at the start of the day to nearly 700 at the end. I’m going to need at least 2000 sometime in the near future, for the dual specialization and cold weather flying abilities.

The Zs Have It

I played a bit of EQ tonight, but just enough to use up the daily double xp period. I really need to find a new place to hunt…

Afterward, I played a bit of Zen of Sudoku while waiting for an update, and it’s kind of a mixed bag. The interface for marking potential numbers works well, but when the screen gets full of them, telling them all apart can get a bit difficult. There’s also not much tracking of stats, just a bunch of trophies for hitting certain milestones, and not even basic stuff like timing how long the puzzle took, or saving one for later. It does at least randomly generate them though, so I don’t run out of them like with the DS Brain Age games.

And then I tried out Zeno Clash, a brawler game with with a rather unique art style that was released today. It’s based on the HL2 engine, and you do get some guns, but it’s primarily focused on melee combat with punches, kicks, blocks, throws, etc. I’m only a few fights into it so far, but even on ‘normal’ difficulty (which is actually the lowest it goes) I’m not very good at it and succumb to the temptation to just mash buttons too often. It is nifty, though.


I have quite a few demos that I’ve downloaded but hadn’t had a chance to try yet, so here are some quick impressions of them:

Kudos 2: A life-simulation game, but more along the lines of the old Alter Ego games than The Sims, in that you have much more direct control and choices, in menu-driven sequences, rather than watching over someone else. Nearly everything you do affects your stats, so you have to balance work, leisure, your friends, your health, etc. Looks like it might be fun for a few playthroughs just to experiment with it.

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts: Build your own vehicles out of parts you find in order to compete in challenges. Looks interesting, but the vehicles control a bit awkwardly and it’s not really clear from the demo just how much freedom there really will be in the vehicle construction. I’d wait for word-of-mouth on this one.

Mirror’s Edge: An interesting new idea, and seems to be well-done, but I’m concerned about the large number of context-sensitive controls. I just ran past all of the enemies since I couldn’t remember what the combat moves were or get the disarm timing right.

Fracture: Eh, it’s another shooter-with-a-gimmick, this time in the form of a terrain-deforming weapon that gets used constantly in contrived ways. Not my cup of tea.

Hmmm, I didn’t get nearly as many demos done as I’d hoped.

Officer Down, Finally

And so I finished off San Andreas tonight, and the final mission didn’t take nearly as long as I expected since I managed to complete it on the first try. It was split into two parts: you first had to work your way up and down a drug lab building to take out the first target, and then it was a fairly easy chase through the city streets with an on-rails shooting segment that was again helped by mouse aiming. I did almost fail the first part though, since the building is on fire on the way back down and I got shot up quite a bit while trying to figure out where enemies were through the smoke, the right spots to hit with the fire extinguisher, the tight time limit, etc.

In the end I put just short of 48 hours into the game and hit 77.5% completion according to the stats screen, both of which are much higher than the previous GTA games. There’s just so much more to do in San Andreas. This is the one of them that I’d be tempted to try for 100% completion in…but not right away. I’m kind of sick of GTA-ish games now after doing these three in a row, so I’ll probably just chip away at it in small bursts over time.

Since my Fable 2 LCE code still hasn’t arrived after the promised 10 business days, it’s losing its turn in the queue, and Fallout 3 will be up next. But first: demos!